Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Little Corner of Cyberspace

Welcome to our little corner of cyberspace. If you’ve made it this far more than likely you have a personal connection with either myself or one of the other contributors to this blog. I have been a denizen of the Blogosphere since 2003 but have found myself slacking in the realm of creating substantive posts. I thought I would pull a TeamPyro, along with many others, and create a new blog with multiple authors to keep the content flowing and the discussion more interesting.

What you should expect to find here are topics primarily focused on … whatever is on our hearts and minds at that time =). Since the three of us share a likeminded faith, you will undoubtedly see topics about true religion, apologetics, politics and social issues. Other quirky subjects like sports and personal updates will find its way as caffeinated-musings.

… Suppose I should mention that along with myself, Scott, Mark and Eli will be my partners in crime as we stumble our way through the perils of the Blogosphere. If I may take a moment to brag about each of these gentlemen, you will hopefully gain a glimpse of my excitement to start this writing project with them. Scott has been my best friend since junior high, and has turned into a brilliant writer. His ability to string words together to communicate his thoughts and ideas is an art form. He is currently working on his first fiction novel, to which I look forward to reading (maybe he’ll let me proof-read sometime? =)). Mark is another close friend and shines best when he is considering and communicating what is most passionate to him. He is one of the men I trust to go to gain a better understanding of the Scriptures. I can honestly say that I regularly learn from him. Last, but certainly not least, is my good friend Eli. Eli and I met at Starbucks years ago, and it was Eli who first introduced me to coffee, believe it or not. The first thing I noticed about Eli is that he is a man powerful in the Scriptures. I will never forget the day he walked me through Ephesians 1:13-15 and made sense of it for me. He has been a partner in the gospel with me, and I am excited to work with him in this. 

Each of us is looking forward to getting started, as Mark said it best, “I have a lot to say; this will be perfect!”  My hope is that this blog will be an encouragement to our audience, a challenge to differing perspectives, and above all: God-honoring. We welcome your interaction in the form of comments and emails. Please, don’t be shy.

In the words of Calvin: “Every day I have to get up and go to school. Nothing ever changes. It’s just school, school, school. But not today. Today, I go for the gusto.” (Watterson, Bill. The Indispensible Calvin and Hobbes. Missouri: Universal Press, 1992).

I’m with Calvin on this one.


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